Direct current and Alternating current and it's Difference - Param Himalaya

Direct current and Alternating current and it's Difference :

Direct current : 

If the Current flows in One Direction only it is called a direct current.
Direct current is written in short form as D.C ( or d.c.) the current which we get from a cell or a battery is direct current because it always flows in the same direction.
The positive and negative polarity of a direct current is fixed.
some of the source of direct current are dry cell, dry battery , DC generator , solar panel.

Alternating current : 

If the current reverses direction after equal interval of time it is called alternating current.
Alternating current is written in short form as AC most of the power station in India generate alternating current the alternating current produce in India rivers its direction every one by 100 second.
The positive and negative polarity of an alternating current is not fixed.
Some of the source which produce alternating current are power house generators , car alternators and bicycle dynamics.
Direct current and Alternating current - Param Himalaya
Direct current and Alternating current - Param Himalaya

Difference between Alternating current (AC) and Direct current (DC) : 

Basis of ComparisonAC DC
DefinitionIn AC, the direction of the current keeps reversing periodically.The direction of the current remains the same in DC.
Load TypeAC’s load is resistive, inductive or capacitive.DC’s load is generally resistive in nature.
Frequency50 or 60 HzZero
PolarityAC has a polarity (+, -)It does not have polarity
The direction of flowing electronsThe direction of flow of electrons in AC is bidirectionalIn DC, the flowing electrons are unidirectional
Attained fromAlternatorsGenerators, battery, solar cell and more.
Power FactorIt lies between 0 and 1It always remains 1
Passive ParameterImpedanceResistance
TransmissionWe can transmit it over long distance with a few lossesWe can transmit it over long distance with negligible losses
PurposeUsed in factories, industries, householdsUsed in electroplating, electrolysis, electronic equipment, and more
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