Rules for obtaining Image formed by Convex Mirrors - Param Himalaya

Rules for obtaining Image formed by Convex Mirrors : 

Rule 1. A ray of light which is parallel to the principal axis of a convex mirror , appears to be coming from it's focus after reflection from the mirror.

Convex mirror principal axis

Rule 2. A ray of light going towards the centre of curvature of a convex mirror is reflected back along the same path. 

Centre of curvature

Rule 3. A ray of light going towards the focus of a convex mirror becomes parallel to the principal axis after reflection.

Convex mirror at focus

Rule 4. A ray of light which is incident at the pole of a convex mirror is reflected back making the same angle with the principal axis.

Convex mirror at the pole - param himalaya

Formation of Image by a convex Mirror : 

Whatever be the position of object in front of a convex mirror , the image formed by a convex mirror is always behind the mirror , it is virtual , Eract and smaller than the object and Diminished.

Case 1. When an object is at Infinity from a convex mirror , the image formed is :
object is at Infinity from a convex mirror

object is at Infinity from a convex mirror

(i) Behind the mirror at focus (F).
(ii) Virtual and Eract 
(iii) Highly Diminished ( Much smaller than the object ).

Case 2. When an object is placed anywhere between pole (p) and infinity in front of a convex mirror, the image formed is :

When a object placed between pole and infinity

(i) Behind the mirror between pole (p) and focus (F).

(ii) Virual and Eract.

(iii) Diminished (smaller than the object ).

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