What is conductors and Insulators with Definition and Examples ? - Param Himalaya

What is conductors and Insulators with Definition and Examples ? - Param Himalaya


Material can be divided according to the flow of electric charges in two main classes : 

1. Conductors : The material which allow flow of electric charges through them easily are called conductors.

These electrons are free to move about in the whole conductor and can be transferred easily our of the conductor by supplying a small amount of energy and hence they are known as mobile charges.

Example : Silver , copper , Aluminum , iron , mercury , the earth , Human being , Solution of salt.

2. Insulator : The material which donot allow the flow of electric charges through them are called insulator.

They have negligible small number of free electron or no free electrons.

The electric charge given to the insulator , by rubbing of insulator can cause transfer of a few electrons.

If glass rod is rubbed with silk or rubber rod with wool. They get charged but these charges remain Statics.

Example : Glass rubber , plastic , paraffin wax PVC , nylon , Dry wood.

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