What is Electric charge and It type unit and Dimensions

What is Electric charge and It type unit and Dimensions 

Definition of Electric charge Dimention and it's S.I Unit : 

Electric Charge is the inherent property associated with matter due to which it produce and experience electrical and magnetic effect .

S.I unit of charge : Coulomb

Largest Unit of charge : Faraday 

1 Faraday = 96500 Columbs 

Smallest Unit of charge : Franklin

Electrostatic unit (ESU) = Franklin

1esu = 1 Franklin = 3.335 × 10 ^ -10 C

Or 1 C = 3×10^9 esu

1 emu = 10 C = 3 × 10^10 esu 

Dimensions formula : [AT]

Experiment and analysis : Type of electric charges 

Electric Charge

1. If two glass rod rubbed with wool or silk cloth are brought close to each other , they repel each other.

2. Two strands of wool or two pieces of slik cloth with which the rods were rubbed , also repel each other's but glass rod and wool attracted other.

3. Two plastic rods rubbed with cat's Fur repelled each rod and attracted the glass rod and repel the silk or wool with which the glass rod is rubbed. The glass rod repels the fur. 

4. From Experiment and the analysis we concluded that There are two kinds of an entry which is called the electric charge.

5. We say that the bodies like glass or plastic rods , silk , fur and pith balls are electrified. They acquired an electric charge on rubbing.

6. When a glass rod is rubbed with silk , the rod acquires one kind of charge and the silk acquire the second kind of charge.

7. The charges acquired after rubbing are lost when the charged bodies are brought in contact. So unlike charges acquired by the objects neutralise or nullify each other's effect.

8. The charges were named as positive and negative by the American scientists Benjamin Franklin.

9. By convention : The charges on glass rod or cat's fur is called positive and that on plastic rod or silk is termed negative.

11. Same charge repel and different charges attract each other.

Neutral Object : The object having no net charge ( i.e equal number of positive and negative charges ) are called neutral objects.

Qnet = 0

Silk and Glass rod
Glass rod and plastic rod electric charge

Why material bodies acquire charge ?

Atomic structure

To Electrify a neutral body , we need to add or remove one kind of charge. When we say that a body is charged - Excess charge or Deficit of charge. 

In solids , some of the electrons being less tightly bound in the atom. A body can be charged positively by losing sum of its electron similarly a body can be charged negatively by gaining sum of its electrons.

When we rub a glass rod with silk , some of the electrons from the rod are transferred to the silk cloth. Thus the rod gets positively charged and the silk gets negatively charged.

No new charge is created in the process of rubbing. 

The number of electrons that are transferred is a very small fraction of the total number of electrons in the material body.

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