Notes : Methods of Charging - Conduction | Friction | Induction | Class 12 Physics - Param Himalaya

Methods of Charging - Conduction, Friction , Induction

A material can be Electrified or Electrically charged if some charge is given to the material or taken out of the material. 

In facts , Every neutral objects consists of positive and negative charges which are equal and opposite in polarity , so net charge on the neutral object is zero.

An uncharged conductor or insulator can be charged by following two methods : 

1. Charging by Physical Contact ( Electrification by conduction ) : 

Electrification by conduction : param Himalaya

Electroscope - param Himalaya

When an uncharged conductor is touched with a charged conductor , the uncharged conductor may acquire charge similar to the charged conductor.

2. Charging by friction ( Frictional Electrification) : 

Electricity produced due to rubbing of two material under suitable conditions is known as Frictional Electricity . 
When two material rubbed together get Electrified. One of the rubbed material loses electrons and become positively charged and the other material gains these electrons and becomes negatively charged.

No new charge is created in the process of rubbing of material.  

3. Charging by induction ( Non Contact ): 

it is process of charging a neutral conductor by placing it near a charged object is knowns as charging by induction.

Inducing Charges and Induced charges :

Inducing Charges : The charges on a charged body ( glass rob ) which give rise to charges on another uncharged body without any physical contact are known as inducing Charges. 

Charging by induction - Param Himalaya

Charging by induction - param himalaya

Induced charged : The charges appearing on the uncharged body by the process of induction are known as induced charges.

Induced charges on a body are of opposite sign to that of inducing Charges . For example if inducing Charges are positive , then induced charges are negative and vice-versa. 

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