Lecturer Syllabus for Screening Examination Teaching Aptitude

Lecturer Syllabus for Screening Examination Teaching Aptitude

Syllabus for Screening Examination Teaching Aptitude Lecturer

Indian Education System 

2. Teaching Efficiency and Communication – Teaching skills, Teaching Methods and Techniques, Traditional and Modern Teaching Aids, Communication and Teaching process-Types of Communication and Characteristics of Good Communication.
3. Value Based Education – Types of Values – Individualistic and Social Values, Reasons for deterioration in Values, Inculcation of Values through Education.
4. Class-room Discipline, School Discipline, Educational Planning and

5. Absence from school and reasons for drop-out from school and its

6. Computer in Education/Computer Education – Fundamental knowledge
of Computer, its need and applications.

7. Educational Technology – Nature, types, need and uses.
8. Teaching Profession and Job Satisfaction
9. Role of Teacher in Personality Development of Students.
10. Educational Evaluation – Need, Types and Methods.
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